Sunday, July 31, 2011

if i had a door that might mess up the wall every time someone opened it, i would put a doorstop there. i had to oversee this little project today. what would they do without me?

me, at work today.

and loved this quote.

have a great week!

Friday, July 29, 2011

a thankful heart is a happy heart

last night we had a photo shoot. i am so bored with this. they stalk me all the time. i am very photogenic. i know i should be grateful because i have quite the life. i was a wee kitten at pet land when emily spotted me. a few days later, i was rescued. i was so small that i rode in the cup holder in the car on the way home. i have moved several times since that day. now i have a new porch, up in the trees. i have gone back to my previous home several times to say goodbye in the past week or two. hoping to meet some new friends here soon. in the meantime, enjoy some photos from our shoot last night. i am thankful for my new home.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

where do we begin?

this is a blog about the daily life of me, pumpkin. aka, pumps. the title of the blog? wwpd. (what would pumps do?). tweeting didn't really work for me so now i will take the occasional opportunity to post about things going on in my life, photos taken of me, and random thoughts. feel free to comment or become a follower of my blog. i hope you enjoy.

from my most recent photo shoot entitled "god save the queen". i prefer "el presidente".