Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 for 1-22-12

2 things for today:

first: i have injured my left arm and am having to limp a little bit. i appreciate the sympathy a lot. see it in my face?

second: form follows function in the design world. case and point with this find of the day. and if i had a pinterest account, i would pin this exquisite kitty litter chest a "must-have".

on the mend.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

a-muse-ing myself today

if i had opposable thumbs and an iphone 4s i would install instagram. then i would create a series of self-portraits experimenting with all of the cool filters. see below.

i would entitle this one, "castle on a cloud".

stay creative.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

feelin' the love in 2012

stumbled upon a baby picture of me this week. it made me think.
if i made a new year's resolution it would be to start each day with a grateful heart. i have so much more than i ever imagined possible. my advice for the new year: express your gratitude every day to the people that love you.

happy 2012.